Happiness is a Choice You Make.

If you are not a happy person that is a choice you are making.  You have full control over your life and the decisions that you make.  There are many factors which people measure happiness.  Some people think money is happiness however they may absolutely miserable with what they do on a daily basis to make their money.

You might look at people who have absolutely everything and you strive to be like them.  These things may be wealth, possessions, status, or even the position you hold at work.  These things don’t create happiness.  Happiness is a choice.

There are many people who have wealth and a high status who are completely miserable.  They may be lonely, divorced and more.  Happiness comes from within.  These people may be working jobs they absolutely hate but just have a knack for making money. 

Happiness is Subjective

There are things in life that can make you happy that are subjective.  They are subjective because happiness comes differently for everyone.

You might find joy and happiness seeking thrills through rides like roller coasters and bungee jumping.  This thrill may be more than torture for someone with a fear of heights who would never step foot on a roller coaster or ever be brave enough to jump from a bridge suspended by a bungee cord.

Everyone seeks happiness in their own way.  What makes you happy is a natural high that you deserve to seek.  There is nothing wrong with the things that you find joy in.  You may be told you are crazy but that is because of the subjectivity.

Naturally Happy

It is true some people are naturally happy.  This is proven through a genetic disposition.  This doesn’t mean that you were born to be miserable if you are not a naturally happy person.  Your happiness is influenced by your genetics but it is not fixed as a determining factor.

If you are not a naturally happy person you can change the way you think and feel so you are.  The key is to change the way your brain thinks and the things you do.  You can learn to do things on a daily basis to bring up your happiness level which will help you learn to smile more and be a happier person.


Sleep is a big factor if you want to be a happy person.  Sleep is needed for the body to be able to function properly.  When you don’t get enough sleep you might be moody, have an inability to think clearly, and very unhappy.

You might get 8 hours of sleep but you think that you get enough hours of sleep.  You may be oversleeping or even be sleeping the wrong way.  Some people don’t get a good night’s rest with a pillow while others need a very fluffy pillow.  Your mattress could play into a bad night of sleep also.

Sleep is a big factor and lack of sleep can cause problems with your health also.  Ensuring total well being requires a good night sleep.

If you are not sleeping well and you have determined the lack of sleep plays into how miserable you are throughout the days you need to fix this.  You might need to change your daily schedule so you can get to bed earlier.  You also might need to encourage other people in your household to help you a little bit more if you are working too hard.

Sleep can be the entire reason you are miserable.  If you have the inability to get to sleep and you toss around all night long staring at the alarm clock this could mean many different things.  Some people are very depressed and it causes them not to be able to sleep well.  To ensure happiness you need to get a good night of sleep.


Exercise is very good for the body and it helps the brain put out endorphins which are responsible for making you happy.  Exercise is important for total health.  This doesn’t mean that you have to be on a heavy exercise routine on a daily basis.  However, you should try to sweat everyday.  You can get an amazing exercise but just cleaning the house and doing normal household chores.  This isn’t about losing weight.  It is about creating happiness.


Practicing meditation doesn’t mean you belong to a cult or you are doing anything religiously wrong.  Many people associate meditation with Buddhism and think it is wrong.  They are missing out on something extremely important which could be exactly what they need to balance out their days. 

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to change your subjective well being.  Doctors have proven meditation to generate brain activity on the left side, which produces a positive emotion in the body.

These elements has changed many lives into  experiencing Happiness.You don't need to stay frustrated and worrying.Get happy now!

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Learn How To Love Yourself.

Loving Yourself.

I’m sure you read a lot of times this sentence : you need first to love yourself.

But what does that mean? Is it about getting you a hot chocolate when you are cold? Is it about getting you a new dress when you feel like it? Is it doing whatever you want when you want it? Is it about putting warm clothes on when it’s freezing outside?

Loving yourself means to learn to treat you like a loving parent would do with his child.

When you are an adult, and I assume you are, you still have an Inner Child inside you. These are your emotions. At that level you still react like a child of 3-4 years old. Your emotions can not get older or mature. But you can get mature. You can learn how to respect them and how to handle them. You can learn how to take care of this Inner Child.

When you are not aware of your Inner Child, you try to live in an adult world like a 4-year old boy or girl. You feel all alone, afraid of the big nasty world there outside, not knowing what to do, where to ask for help, how to protect you. This is a very difficult way of doing. You will always feel afraid, fearful, doubtful, tired. It is hard to try to survive as a child in a grown up world. You will feel angry and afraid most of the time, and lost.

Why is that? Because nobody takes care of that Little Child inside you.

Let’s say your name is Jenny. You are 42 years old. Inside you lives the little Jenny. He’s three. When you are busy in the outside world taking care of other people, of business, of getting around, of doing a thousand things every day, the little Jenny will feel overlooked. When you’re always running to help others, to make sure their needs are fulfilled, you will be exhausted every night and cry in your bed. Sometimes you will get temper tantrums. You will feel very angry without any reason (but still there is one, a big one!).

All these big emotions are attempts from your Inner Child to get your attention.

Imagine you have, besides your children, husband, collegues, parents, friends, a little four-year old girl named Jenny. Nobody ever notices her. Nobody takes care of her. Whenever she tries to tell something and get some attention, you shout to her “Shut up!”. You say “I have to take care of my parents, my work, my husband, my paperwork, my friends, my other children, my house… I don’t have time for you!”

How do you think she will feel? What do you think she will do? First she will try to get your attention by showing big emotions. She will cry a lot, she will scream and shout, maybe she’s getting aggressive from time to time. You think you’re angry at the outside world, but it is Your Inner Child that is angry with YOU! She’s sad and angry because you don’t care about her! You act as if she doesn’t exist! Nothing is worse than acting as if our Inner Child doesn’t exist. This means trying to live as if WE don’t exist.

The worst feeling in the world is being unloyal to one’s self. Nothing is worse than this!

How many times did we ignore what we felt, to please someone else. How many times did we say to our Inner Child “Shut up, you are not important, the other one is far more important than you are, go away, I don’t want to hear you, I don’t want to see you”? Awful isn’t it? And we do this every time we let come the desire of the other one before ours.

This little Jenny inside, what will she do? She will give up after a while. After trying a long time to show her emotions, she will give up. She will get very tired of all this and she will say :”It doesn’t matter, she doesn’t love me, she doesn’t want to take care of me, I’m not worth it”, and she will get depressed.

Of course you will think you get depressed because of others, because of your work, because of your children, because of your husband or parents.

It is nobody’s fault. But you have to learn how to take care of this Inner Child which is suffering from your lack of attention to her.

When, after getting depressed things still don’t change, there’s one weapon left to catch your attention : little Jenny will get sick. Or she will get an accident. Maybe that way the adult Jenny will learn to give finally attention to her Inner Child, which is as real (if not more) as a real child of flesh and blood.

You need to learn how to be a loving parent for yourself.

What does that mean?

First you need to develop an Inner Mother. If you were lucky and had a loving caring mother, you can take her as an exemple. Otherwise you need to invent, to create this Inner Mother, which is your feminine caring energy. Everytime you have an emotion, your Inner Mother should ask your Inner Child : “What happens, my darling?” Listen to what your Inner Child has to say. Than you go on with the dialogue. Inner Mother says : “Come here. Come in my arms, I love you as you are. I love you with what you feel.”

Doing that, the heaviness of the emotions will drop pretty much. Than you say these words : “I understand”. These words are very important, because most of the time we don’t feel very “normal” having the feelings we have and we try to ignore or suppress them, which makes them heavier. “I understand, my darling, come here in your Mothers arms, I love you.”

Stay with these words and feelings for a while, and than ask :” What do you need?”

Whatever the Child answers, you say : “We will ask this of your Father”.

And here starts the task of your Inner Father, who is there to protect you and to act for you in the outside world. You would never send a four-year old asking for a raise at work or getting to resolve a conflict at school or with the neighbours, would you? So why do you try it? Send out your Inner Father to take care of whatever you have to do in the outside world. Your Inner Father is your male energy, which enables you to make decisions, to take action, to follow your inner guidance (which is located in you Inner Child, also called Intuition) and to manifest your Child’s desires in the world.

When your Child has a need, for instance to call someone or to go somewhere to arrange something, imagine that your Inner Child stays at home with his Mother who takes care of his feelings (“I understand you’re afraid…”) and that your Inner Father (another part of your being) goes out there to act. Your Inner Father is that part of you which is able to handle stress, to take action, to arrange conflicts and all other stuff that has to do with the outside world. If that part is missing because you didn’t have a good model when you were little yourself, you will have to create and develop it.

Of course your Inner Child, Mother and Father are all parts of you. It is all you. It is just a model to understand what is happening inside you and how you can learn to love yourself.

Loving yourself is listening to your Inner Child, taking his emotions seriously, understanding what he feels and taking action in the desired direction. Loving yourself is having this dialogue with yourself every morning when you open your eyes, every evening when you go to bed, and every time you have an emotion.

Loving yourself is building a strong inner connection with yourself.

It is creating your own loving family, inside you. You will never feel alone anymore. You are already three! Call it your Trinity. Wherever you go, from now on you go with your Inner Family. Your are not alone. You are loved and you are protected. You listen to yourself and take care of that precious little Child that has been waiting for so long to get your attention and love.
It's easy and i know you can do it. Just listen to your inner desire and complete the task it need.

Special Resource

Self Love Secrets: How To Love Yourself Unconditionally 

Difficulties With Loving Yourself? Learn How To Love Yourself Unconditionally In This Ebook That Shares Tips, Stories, Real Life Cases And Fables. Find Out What It Means To Love Yourself Holistically.



Unveil Your Inner Self.

Learn To Unveil Your Inner Self in Development of the Social and Self Environment

Only the man among the various species formed by the God can attain the divinity. And before reaching to divinity, the attainment of the spiritual self is must. It aids a person in raising his or her own self from the worldly measures and the trivialities and pettiness of life. By achieving it, a man can have an access to the infinite treasures and possessions of love, joy, perfection, and generosity among the several precious virtues.

Man has been bestowed with holy and divine capacities to rejuvenate and enhance his inner self. Man in all circumstances of life can experience this. The communication with the divine self broadens the horizon and the perspectives. It shifts his focus from the individuality to the universality. It makes him more inclined towards involving himself in aiding others. In this way he will inculcate self-esteem that will lead to control over self. In this method the negative energy will not hamper his growth and enhancement and instill in him the assurance to fight for his rights and the injustices.

In the era where competition augmenting at a tremendous speed the people have become contaminated with jealousy, sloth and gluttony. The path treading to wrong deeds is very easy and effortless. This path makes an entity devoid of correct virtues and qualities. It instills in an organism the pessimistic and negative energy. On the contrary, if an individual aims at the right and constructive path, he might face difficulties and impediments. But still he will have the contentment and the satisfaction of soul and body.

Awareness about the self of an individual is the means to solve the problems in life. It is extremely essential for a person to discover the positive and the negative facets of his personality. Once a person acquaints himself with the virtues in himself he will be able to struggle with the outer sources that entice and tempt our personality. Therefore, it plays a helping hand in developing a hopeful and constructive approach to life. 

To develop hopeful and constructive energy in oneself, one can follow various methods such as yoga, meditation, naturopathy, and color therapy, long walks, breathing exercise. Yoga is a method that helps an entity in realizing the inner self.They are known nowadays for how good they do to the body.Its an exercise and when done properly, not only it develops your body, it also give you self confidence.For meditation,it helps to harmonize the internal and the external self of a personage. For achieving such a state self control and the self-discipline is very important. It acts like a guide for an individual forbidding him from going on the right path. Meditation helps a person in attaining the calmness and serenity. It is a process that involves self-transformation, self-exploration and self-regulation. These processes are interlinked with each other. It helps in the relaxation of the mind and increases the concentration ability for the growth and the development of the self. It aids in controlling anxiety, nervousness in a personage. It helps the person in realizing his shortcomings and limitations as well make him aware of his strengths and powers. Meditation reduces the negative aspects of an entity and pampers him to thrive upon the optimistic attributes. It helps a person to rekindle the dead desires and aspirations in him. Yoga helps a person in the process of natural healing through the physical exercises and aids in both physical and mental development. It helps in gratification and contentment. It relaxes and refreshes mind and body in the process of growth and prosperity. Therefore it leads to psychological and physical development. It helps in the enfoldment of the inner desires and wishes and the fulfillment of these aspirations. To start the Yoga, you need to learn about them.Though it's not all that necessary if you have a friend or someone you know in your area who is perfect and ready to help you out.

If incase there is noone to help you, you can do it on your own with a special package which you can learn in a day and start. 
Yoga For Healing

This is a Series Of 7 Guided Yoga Practice Videos With 10 Additional Modification Videos. Included A Ebook That Lays Out The Focus And Benefits Of Each Practice, Postures Lists And A Yoga Journal. 
Wish you the best!
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Know the Secret to Achieving Real Wealth.

Secret to Achieving Real Wealth.

We all aspire to create wealth.Even successful people continue to look for ways to increase their wealth.If you want to also create those wealth, you must understand that,the secret to achieving real wealth is in your hands. If it’s really what your heart desires you will make it happen, but if it’s something your head talks about but your heart doesn’t connect to it will likely never become your reality.

Reaching wealth requires you to have amazing success and that requires not only hard work but smart work. It also requires you to have the stomach to be able to take risks, the persistence to push through and overcome obstacles that get in your way and the strength to take rejection. You are going to have to know your industry.

One thing that every person that achieved wealth has in common is that they have learned how to cut their losses fast and to run with the winners. They’ve also learned when to recognize the run with the winners is ending.

You need to be able to find the winning strategies for your investment whether that’s the stock market or your business. Let’s say that you run a small coffee shop and you’ve learned that the best business is first thing in the morning and you’ve learned how to up sell your morning customers from just a coffee to a coffee and a bagel. Great that’s one winning strategy but you can’t let it end there. You have to continue to look for continuous winning strategies. One month it might be liking a Facebook page, another month it might be taking advantage of a coupon. 

This is a simple example. The bottom line is the markets are changing constantly no matter what path you take to finding wealth. That’s why it is important for you to follow through on any winning strategies and give it the time, money and attention necessary to maximize its value. You also need to stick the strategy long term and keep using it as long as it is working for you. Some winning strategies work for only a short period but others work year after year. It depends on how you are making your wealth.

What is known for sure is that riches follow the person who trusts what they know and figures out how to maximize their effectiveness, while at the same time diligently expanding those winning strategies to continue to grow your income streams and therefore your wealth.

The secret is simple – if wealth is where your heart is then you will focus on creating that wealth.Costantly searching for strategies and applying will open the door to your wealth. Don't be afraid to invest and learn to increase profits. You can hand on books like :

A special book which gives you the best strategies in investment.The Formula For Riches is the road map to riches and it is a proven solution that guarantees a sure-fire way to earn more than 1000% on your first investment without any risks.A book like this will help you start your investment and wealth creation journey.
 This is one of my favourite books and what inspires me is that, it offer you the encouragement to wake and climb the ladder.It motivate to a point that you will start telling your friends who are still sleeping to wake up because it happend to me.You don't even need to buy it.Am offering this book for free because i want you to change your life.I want it to serve as an element of motivation in your life. It will prepare your mind for your wealth journey. 

Now that you know the secret to your wealth journey,the only thing left is to take action.
Wish you the best.

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What Kind of Music You Should Play When Meditating

Music For Meditating.

One of the deadliest diseases and considered to be the number killer disease in the United States is heart disease. In fact, recent survey has found that heart diseases kills more people than car accidents in the United States alone. As you can see, you have every right to be concerned about your health in order for you to live a happier and healthier life.

Heart diseases are mainly caused by eating fatty foods and lack of exercise. However, you also have to consider the fact that stress is also one of the main contributors to high blood pressure as well as heart diseases. This is why working all the time without adequate rest is not recommended. It is important for the body to rest in order for it to function properly and remain healthy. However, some people disregard rest because they have to work in order to meet their daily needs.

This kind of pressure is too much for the heart and body. It is also too much for the mind where it cannot function well enough that it impairs your way of thinking. Without adequate rest, you will tend to get moody all the time and lose your efficiency at work.

One of the best ways to relax your mind and body is through sleeping. However, you have to consider that you only sleep once a day and sometimes, you lack sleep because of work. So, the next best thing to sleep is by meditating. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. However, recent studies have found that meditation is beneficial to the mind and body. In fact, research was made on sleeping and meditation. The scanners have found that the brain is more relaxed in meditation than in sleeping. There is less activity in the brain when you meditate. This means that you will be able to fully relax your mind and also your body and keep it fresh all day long.

Usually, meditation requires a quiet room to practice meditation on. However, studies have found that soft meditation music can also help in meditating. People who don't normally achieve full meditation in a quiet room were introduced to soft and calm music. The research was a success. It states that music can indeed help in meditation and it is now being introduced in meditation classes all over the United States as a helpful tool in meditation.If your decision is have an online meditation classes, there are sites available for it.You can try the 12 Week Transformation Meditation Course Of Selfhelptree. Not  only they take you by the hand and help you find calmness, they offer you 5 meditation tracks for free.
Ambient meditation music can be downloaded for free over the internet but many of them contains ads which is not good for your concentration.This does not mean you will not get get some music.
There are some areas where you can easily buy some albums at a low price and get some books in addition to help you. You will hear soft and relaxing music that will enable you to meditate properly. Meditation music can also help you to go to sleep as well. Other use for meditation music is for sex. It has been found that certain meditation music enhances the sexual atmosphere and gets both partners in the mood for sex.
As you can see, meditation can be used for different purposes. If you want to relax and meditate, choose a relaxing, quiet environment, play your music and start meditating. You will see that it will increase your chances of relaxing through meditation.

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Meditation technique for different environments

 Meditation is now known everywhere but each environment works effectively with techniques which is different from one another.Though,there are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their mind no matter what kind of environment they are into. However, there are also people who seem to be always disturbed. They can hardly concentrate, thus, affecting their judgment and quality of work. Meditation is a good aid for these types of people. During meditation, mental space is created in order to achieve a certain degree of enlightenment.

The effects of meditation to different people also vary. These could be affected by factors such as the mood, character and individuality. When a person hardly understands himself, his confusion reflects to his actions. That is why contemplation is necessary in order to achieve an enlightened consciousness.

A quiet space conducive for reflection, a mantra to be recited and absolute concentration are the essentials of meditation. While sitting meditation is considered the basic and most efficient form of meditation, there are other ways to modify the process. On the whole, you can only create other forms of meditation when you become habituated with the practice. When your mind had been set for meditation, it will be easy for you to stay tuned-up. Plus, you can integrate the spiritual essence and mental awareness with the physical and mental rhythms of life.

As meditation becomes part of your routine, you will always find time to stop and make a connection with the process of meditation. Naturally, you will seek the blissful state that you can experience only when meditating.  

So what should you do when the place you are into is not conducive for meditation? There are ways to establish focus and concentration. You can capture your mind to be in the meditation state when you direct your attention to a spot in the room, or listen attentively to your breathing or focus on a small object. With the help of a relaxing music and tricky colors, you can employ meditation and extend such practice even beyond the meditation period.

Active people such as athletes need to stay focused in their skill or art while staying grounded. However, their physical ability could be more enhanced if they are in touch with their higher consciousness. A famous female boxer revealed that in her violent and aggressive profession, she never fails to meditate and chant. She constructed her own way of escaping the gym atmosphere in order to find peace within. She listens to the sound of the speed bag as she hits it one way. There is a distinct sound for a one-way blow and the sound varies with the difference in the impact of glove. Then all she had to do is close her eyes and meditate on the sound of the speed bag. Even a basketball player can employ meditation at the free throw line if he is able to transcend the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the play. In this manner, he can manage stress and anxiety while connecting to his meditation process.

Be creative in modifying your own way of meditation. Break your patterns and make your imagination work.

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