4 keys to success

We all think about success and even ask when that will come live.Though to me, success means a lot to me.If i should ask you what success is, you may give an answer which may be different to mine because we all have what success means for us. Success to many means acquiring big mansions, bunch cash at the bank and living well with your family.
Well, not bad as success because it's everyone's dream.Though, success means a lot but in a nutshell, its succeeding in an objective you fixed.No matter what happen, if you decide to save $10 in 3days and you reached that goal, it's success. The options are many.They may even include going for diploma certificate, dancing course, creating an enterprise and many more. This means, if you decide to do something and you arrived doing it, then you have succeed. It's astonishing to know that, we fix an objective and later get to know that we went against the wall.This leave us in frustration and different types of anxiety and stress. This happens to everyone even me. Today, you are going to know 4 elements which can strengthen your efforts into success.

1. Preparation

Be prepared to meet success because without preparation,you will meet success but you can't hand on him. Your first prepation is learning.Study very hard on the field you want to succeed and you will get the reward. Though, there are peoples who are very talented in a certain field.These peoples can play or work without preparation. Maybe you don't know your talents but desire to succeed in a certain field.The first step to take is to be prepared. Learn any information about that field, attend seminars and buy books about that field. You will be very happy if you master what you do and it's a key to success.

2. Motivation,Determination and confidence

Your can never go far in any projet or whatsoever if you are not determined with great confidence .Determination boils up your motivation to go on with your dream.Confidence gives you courage to complete those dreams.These three elements are very important.Having an idea of doing something means you are first ignite by motivation.What motivate someone into taking action depends on what they will gain in returns. This may be money, pleasure or happiness and other. I remember a friend who asked me what Non govenmental Organisations get in returns when they help others. I simply told him this: They become happy helping others. Now, the determination comes in. Many peoples takes motivation for determination but it's not the same.How many times have you repeated your objective simply because you failed the other time.If you fail, repeat the process checking where the fault was. Repeat until it work and here is where the determination is.Many peoples abandon their projets early in the morning and claims negative words like "i am dull", i am not born to succeed", i am a failure and others. It cost motivation,determination and confidence for nearly all those succesful peoples to reach where they are.Always encourage yourself for you are born to succeed.Have confidence in yourself. Tell yourself that you will succeed your projet and go on. Noone should discourage you. Go on until that success comes in.  If you really want to succeed,you must develop these qualities.

3. Work

One of the secret of success is work.Though many think success is luck. Whether you are a student and you study hard, a worker who motivate others by working hard, it paves way to your success. To become successful, you must show part of your work. We can't talk of Jet Lee without his works. Working also gives you new ideas about your field. This gives you the opportunity to come out of the crowd. The more you work, the more you master your field and thats a great sign of success.
So get yourself to work and you will see success coming in.

4. Be A Leader

Leading stays one of the secret of success. Leading here means a great leader who aims to make his peoples happy, search for solution to the problems of his group to make them special and comfortable.As you do this, you create your success as your group will do the same because it's the golden rule.Many peoples don't know this secret but it exist. This golden will exist forever as long as this Earth exist. Do unto others what you want others to do for you but with the case as a leader, you do unto many peoples at once. You must be a leader, a leader  who understand his peoples, who is always there in times of need. As you do this, peoples will respect you, like you and they will be there for you anytime. It is therefore adviceable to socialize, join social groups in your community, show yourself up and offer a helping hand when needed.Show how much you care to the needy and those who need your help. Remember, you will get what you want when you help others reach their goals.

We all need to succeed and it's part of our live.You were born a champion and we need to end up successful. You posses all this in your inner self. You just need some fuel to move and i know these 4 keys will get you on. Today, sit down, take a sheet of paper and your pen and start writing your projets. Start motivativating yourself and accomplish them. It will help you and makes me happy because i believe in you.I wish you the best and hope oneday to read your testimony.

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