Why Change Is The Only Constant Thing In Your Life

Life is the central and the most important thing you should preserve.What does it mean to you? to me,life is very precious.It's true that our environment and life condition makes them horrible sometimes but life is still precious.
Life is not always constant and the same.It's sometimes full of up's and down's but,It is ever changing. Yet how many of us embrace and welcome change? We cannot avoid it so why do so many of us resist it?
 Why do so many of us seek out stability outside ourselves? Why do we feel safe when we have a stable job? A stable marriage? Or a stable circle of friends? There is nothing wrong with any of the above. Yet something is wrong if we are not feeling any joy and find ourselves stuck in a rut.
 It is strange how so many of us feel threatened when change comes knocking. 
Why do so many of us resist change? What are we so scared of? Many of us seem to choose to stay where we are. Something familiar is seen as better than the big scary unknown. But what happens if the unknown is a million times better than staying where you are? You miss out on knowing if you don’t try. 

On the other hand, there are some people who simply love change. Whatever life throws at them they go with the flow and accept all new opportunities that take their fancy. Their lives are exciting and fun. And they relish the sheer diversity of things they can choose from. These people who love change enjoy stability from within. Whatever happens outside cannot negatively affect them because their security comes from inside themselves. Every day you make choices. You can remain where you are or choose to try something different. You can resist new opportunities or try them out. You can be “safe” and stick where you are or you can put yourself out there and risk having a more exciting, joyful life. 

For those who have risked the chance to do something differently, they have felt more invigorated and alive. Some have likened change to a muscle. The more they use it and practice change the easier and more enjoyable it is. Basically whatever you focus on you will get more of. If you continue focusing on where you are - you will stay where you are. If you strive for something better... better things will come into your life. Whatever you choose you cannot avoid change at all. Choose carefully, because what you choose (through what you focus most of your attention on) will be delivered to you. This is completely up to you. Embrace living and dare to live a more joyful life. Choose a different thought tomorrow and enjoy something new. Joy is the true measure of how successful your life is.
Start today and experience the best.

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